AP1 ramie

AP1 ramie was recognized as a national variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in 2018. An Phuoc – Viramie Group is the only unit that has been granted a certificate of exclusive protection of this plant variety to develop the raw material area. up to more than 6,000 hectares. Therefore, An Phuoc – Viramie is completely proactive from researching varieties to developing material areas.

Vietnam is a country with a tropical climate, especially suitable for the growth of ramie. Therefore, ramie is harvested all year round.

Mature ramie has a height of 2.5 -3m, the ability to bud and cover quickly, if cared for properly, each year can be harvested from 4-6 crops. Planted for a year but kept the original in the field for 10 years. If planted correctly, the yield is from 1-1.2 tons/crop/year. As a result, each hectare of ramie gives an income of about 60-80 million VND/year (after deducting production costs), depending on the level of care of the farmers.

Variety source: AP1 ramie variety by Mrs. Do Thi Thuy – Chairman of the Board of Directors of An Phuoc Import-Export and Production Development Investment Joint Stock Company together with Prof. Dang Trong Luong – Deputy Director of the Institute of Agricultural Genetics cooperated with the Institute of Agricultural Genetics under the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences to research, select and breed. AP1 ramie is genetically stable and has many superior characteristics, equivalent to and higher in quality than existing ramie varieties in the world. In 2018, AP1 ramie was granted a plant variety protection certificate by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Characteristics of AP1 ramie: AP1 ramie has a height of 2.5 – 3m. The tillering ability of ramie is also quite fast, from 15-20 days. In particular, AP1 ramie is fatter, with thick bark, and larger leaves than traditional ramie.

Ramie is herbaceous, perennial plants

Roots 1-2m long, with many horizontal roots, hairy roots and tubers

Flowers grow in clusters in the leaf axils

Use the bark to make yarn

Ramie is warm-loving 20 - 28 ° C, does not tolerate cold, with a total temperature of 1 crop from 1300 - 1400 ° C

Ramie is a light-loving plant that does not tolerate shade

Ramie is a light-loving plant that does not tolerate shade

Ramie likes moisture but does not tolerate waterlogging

The ability of ramie to resist falling is poor, in areas with high winds, protective trees should be planted

Soil for growing ramie needs rich nutrients, good drainage, deep soil layer, minimum groundwater level 70-80cm

Soil has a mechanical composition from sandy to light heavy soil, pH from 5.5 - 7

Soil slope < 15 °

AP1 ramie is bred, genetically stable selection, superior in yield and quality

Choose the soil to plant

Soil rich in nutrients, actively irrigated

Soft soil, pH 5.5 – 6.5

For soil with pH < 5, it is necessary to add lime powder when preparing soil

Land preparation in the plains

Plowing and making the soil small, cleans the remnants of old trees and weeds.

The soil is plowed 25-30cm deep.

Design drainage ditch around the field.

 Land preparation in hilly areas

Plow 30-35cm deep without tipping, clean up remnants, create belt line along contour lines.

Each belt line is 5-10m wide depending on the terrain, between the belt lines is slotted 30-40cm deep and 20cm wide for good drainage.

Ridge the bed

In the plains ensure that the bed is 1.2m wide, the trench is 30cm wide, 30-35cm deep

The hilly areas, the bed can be ridged along the contour line.

Slit the row for basal fertilizing

Slit the row 15cm deep, 20cm from the edge of the bed for basal fertilizing and covered with soil before planting

It is possible to dig a hole 20cm deep according to the right density, fertilize, then fill it up before planting

Basal Fertilizer

Manure or microbial organic fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer.

Caring for newly planted ramie:

Caring and top dressing:

After planting 15-20 days, the first application of top dressing is combined with plowing, weeding, and rooting.

2nd time of top dressing: 15-20 days after the first application

How to fertilize:

Spread 10cm apart from the root, do not fertilize when it is raining heavily, fertilize the soil to avoid evaporation and washout.

Can mix fertilizer with water for irrigation: Mix 0.5kg of urea, 0.2kg of potassium with 20 liters of water

No sprinkling, direct watering of manure and stumps

Pest control:

Ramie has few pests and diseases, when there are pests and diseases, they should immediately report to the company's technical staff for instructions on prevention.


For newly planted ramie, harvest the first crop: 80-100 days after planting

+ The remaining harvests in the year are from 45-55 days/crop. In cold winter crops, the growth time of plants can be longer.

+ If actively watering ramie, it can yield 5-6 crops/year.

Harvest at the right age to have high yield and quality

Harvesting at the right age increases the harvest

 Harvest method:

Use a sharp knife and sickle to cut / chop close to the ground.

Harvest at the right age of the ramie.

Do not harvest on a rainy day, after harvesting without sunshine, you must use an oven to dry.

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